Monday, June 4, 2012

10 Things I Love About Being Pregnant

I should add: "So Far" to the title, but I'm not one to hold back on enjoying and reflecting upon the simple things in life when I can. So here are 10 things about pregnancy that I just love:

10. Going to bed early and taking naps at any time without guilt. It used to be that my husband or friends would poke me and nag that I couldn't keep up with them on the weekends. Well, now I have a bullet-proof excuse to sleep as often and as long as I please.

9. Boobage & Badonkadonk. I've never had the most womanly of figures, but now I feel like Botticelli's Venus. Now if only I could find a giant scallop shell to lie in while a baby cupid feeds me grapes.

8. Shopping! I haven't gone crazy, but new lumps = new wardrobe. Additionally, shopping for the baby has given me a perfectly rational reason for spending money.

7. Not having to clean the litter box. I never really minded it before because I love my kitties and it comes with the territory. However, when it's doctor's orders that I not touch it at all and poor CGB has to deal with it? Pretty hilarious.

6. No laundry or trash duty. Going up and down 4 flights of San Francisco stairs is dangerous enough so I'm permanently off cleaning duty!

5. No birth control. No pills, hormones, rings, patches or rubber needed.

4. Letting it all hang out. Never having to suck it in, or squeeze into clothing. If it's not comfy, I don't wear it. Bump accentuation is so much more fun to dress for versus beer belly minimization.

3. Not having that "special time of the month". For an on-the-dot cycling girl like me, I haven't seen a pad or tampon in over 5 months and it's unbelievably freeing!

2. Being doted on and fretted over by CGB. An A+ father-to-be, he's come to every appointment (with a laundry list of questions each time), rolled me onto my left side countless times throughout the night (supposed to be the optimal way to sleep after 20 weeks), brings me chocolatey treats, and has read more books and articles about parenting than I have.

1. Stuffing my face. Since there are certain things I can't eat (or drink), I take great pleasure in chowing down on everything else. A goal of having to gain 1-2 pounds a week is pure heaven for a foodie like me. 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this :)

    I can relate to almost all of these, although I wouldn't mind a bit less BOOBAGE.
