Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Halmonee's Postpartum Rules

Halmonee is Grandma in Korean. And below are a combination of Korean old wives tales and my mother's own anecdotal postpartum rules from having 7 children. I thought I'd jot them down while I still remembered them so that I can be sure to *lovingly* nag my own daughters and daughter-in-laws in the future.

  • Soup of any kind is the best for breastfeeding (seaweed soup is best).
  • One must stay covered up at all times, to the point of sweating. 
  • Socks must be worn at all times.
  • Don't take large bites of hard objects, teeth will start to weaken.
  • No reading or computer time, your eyes will get worse.

My mother has never spend more than 10 minutes in front of a computer her entire life so not sure how that one got in there, but her visits during the first two months were a godsend.

I understand now why new parents can seem so obsessed with their kids, smug even. It is without a doubt the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. To survive caring for a newborn is nothing short of a miracle - thus my complete absence from blogging for the past 3 months! But for now, a toast to all the mamas and papas before me as I raise this glass (of real alcohol!) to them.

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