This was a topic in my September discussion board and it seemed like there were a lot of mixed opinions. I saw both sides and personally thought it would be much sweeter to celebrate next year when I could "officially" consider myself a mother, but it wasn't until I read this particular editorial piece about it on Yahoo! Shine that I had to give a double-take.
The title gives you an idea of the author's harsh stance: "Mother's Day Gifts for Pregnant Women Are Kind of Ridiculous". The author was due late in April so she's very excited to be celebrating her first Mother's Day this year. As such, even if you're due the day after Mother's day, the following is an excerpt of her opinion on the matter. I quote:
"...I think that giving a Mother's Day gift to a pregnant woman takes the fun out of future Mother's Days when they're actual mothers. It's jumping the gun a little bit. I mean, a cute card from your husband is one thing, but a full-blown gift is pretty unnecessary. I sort of liken it to throwing your child a semi-elaborate "Half Birthday Party" when he or she turns 6 months old (yep, people do that). It's too much, too soon. And it makes the big birthday party -- the 1 year birthday party -- all that much less special."
I wasn't planning on celebrating Mother's Day, but this morning I was surprised by CGB with a totally unwarranted and surprise pregnancy massage at the spa to commemorate the special day! This is his freebie year to NOT have to remember or care about Mother's Day one last time, but instead he chose to celebrate it. Why should I deny friends and family the right to celebrate Mother's Day just because my baby isn't here yet? And what about the Mother due just a few days or even a few weeks after? Same goes for the example the author gives about Half-Birthdays, if loved ones want to celebrate and make someone feel just a little extra special, why is that ridiculous? I disagree that it diminishes the "official" day in any way, in fact, those days are just more special.
I think asking for a gift, or requesting others to celebrate on your behalf may be where the line is for me. But even then, provided that it's not for financial gain, any party or celebration of life is a positive in my book. So if you find yourself with friends and family that want to celebrate your pregnancy on Mother's Day, let them! I don't believe that Love should be saved up for just "official" occasions. Life is too short to limit ourselves in any way around showing how much you care about someone.
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mamas and Mamas-to-be!
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