Before my 30th birthday I had the goal of getting myself into the greatest. shape. ever. The idea being to establish a starting point after which it would just be a matter of maintenance as I moved towards 40 and on. Oh and hey, if I happened to have kids, well, at least I'd already be in the habit of exercising.
Since moving to SF in 2006, I wasn't regularly exercising. Active yes, but no scheduled, routine exercise. In 2009, in preparation for my wedding, I decided it was time to start up again, but it wasn't anything crazy. I was pretty happy with my body and I just felt like I needed to tone up here and there. I started with more walking, some jogging and yoga. It was about 3 times a week, 30 minutes each time. I went to some Bikram yoga classes and in general tried to eat healthier, but had no hard or fast rules. I saw more toning in my arms, but I stayed about the same size and was happily married on October 2, 2010.

For some reason, turning 30 was different. The wedding was two weeks after my 29th birthday and something about turning 3-0 made me a little crazy. I'm a highly goal oriented person and it was time to reset them. During this phase I had read Jonathan Safran Foer's "Eating Animals" and combined with the general knowledge that less meat is just better for you, I almost immediately implemented a strict
vegan only house rule. I still believed in an omnivore diet, but I just couldn't live with the way we treat animals AND humans to obtain this privilege. For most, only eating vegan at home may not seem like a big deal, but I cook every weeknight and almost always pack my lunch, so it made a pretty fast dent in our lives physically. When outside of the home, as much as possible, I only ate humane, organic animal products and downgraded to vegetarianism.
In addition, I upped my workout schedule and was now doing 5-6 times a week of minimum 1 hour cross-training, yoga or barre workouts. Needless to say by the time I hit the big 30, there was a difference. Due to my already small frame, I didn't track weight, only inches. My arms and legs were leaner and I had to buy smaller pants, so I knew I had reached my goal. I was in no doubt, the best shape of my life. Later that month, my annual check-up confirmed it.
Four months later, I found out I was pregnant.
Suddenly the world of medicine was telling me about a whole slew of things I should be eating more of (namely protein), and things I had to avoid. In addition, the first few months brought on a fierce attack of unbelievable fatigue which completely halted my workouts. As I met with friends for a coffee break (soy decaf latte for me), I struggled to keep my end of the conversation going as I kept my pregnancy a secret. I snuck in naps at the office and found myself panting after just climbing up the 3 flights of stairs to my apartment. Nausea wasn't too bad, but if I was actually hungry (which was rare), I didn't want anything other than carbs and sugar. My favorite veggies absolutely revolted me and chocolate was always on the brain.

Thankfully that all changed by week 12. I could eat veggies again, but had to up my intake of meat for that easy one-two punch of iron and protein. The good news was that I was back. Only this time, I took it all down a notch. I adjusted my workouts to be pregnancy safe (no jumping, lying on my back, quick movements etc.) and stabilized with 5 workouts a week at 30 minutes. I mixed in more yoga and added in kegel and breathing exercises. Before, I would sweat through the pain, but now if I got hot at all, I rested. Most surprisingly, I can't get enough cake. Chocolate cake, red velvet cake, carrot cake, I want it all. As long as I get my veggies, protein and calcium for the day from whole natural foods, I allow myself to freely eat cake....and man, is it heaven. The best cake I've had thus far is Lori's Famous XXX Chocolate Cake Triple layer cake from
Baker and Banker here in SF. It's a flourless chocolate cake, chocolate cheesecake and devil's food cake all in one beautiful package:
So that brings us to today. The last remaining pair of pants have waved the white flag and refuse to button. Belly bands, stretchy yoga pants and leggings are my best friends. In about two weeks, I'll
finally graduate to maternity jeans (they're just still a bit too roomy still), and I honestly can't wait. They're just hanging in my closet dying to be worn.
When I last visited my mom in LA, she had another one of her crazy, but hilarious sayings at the ready. As I was eating lunch she said: "You know what your auntie always told me when I was pregnant? If you don't eat what you crave, your baby will come out cross-eyed!" Yep. You heard the lady. So please, pass the cake!