Thursday, June 7, 2012

The 2nd Trimester Hump

I know I should really be enjoying this 2nd trimester while I can, but I have to say it's quite boring! All the weekly updates that you get during this time are really similar and most of time you think, "Oh, I thought the baby could already do that!". For instance, today marks the beginning of week 25 and all the sites say the baby is going to start gaining some serious weight, and will start looking very much like a newborn. I dunno, I'm not impressed. I felt the baby kicking as early as 17 weeks so it's been a lot of kicking, squirming and stretching already. It never gets old, but it's certainly not new.

I'm big enough that people will willingly give up their seat for me on the bus, but not big enough to waddle. I'm officially in maternity pants, but as a petite person who often wore loose tops, I haven't really needed to buy much else for my changing body. In fact, I find most maternity wear ill fitting unless they're pants. If you have a small frame like me, here's what helps:

  • Empire waist and wrap tops are great for an expanding chest & belly
  • Elastic bands and stretchy fabrics 
  • For skirts, just move the band above or below the bump
  • Yoga pants are THE BEST
I was one of those types that was really hoping to go all out with the maternity clothes by my 2nd trimester, but it just hasn't happened and it makes me kind of sad. Often times in this chilly SF weather, if I'm all bundled up, you can't even tell I'm pregnant! I went shopping yesterday for a skirt and dress. Though I fawned over the maternity selections, what ended up fitting me was the same size I always wear. Granted I followed my new found rules for elastic and stretchy, and since I haven't been much of a dress wearer before, it has been a fun category to dig into.

This is why I can't wait for the 3rd trimester when we can start getting this show on the road. We'll start having bi-weekly check-ups to find out sizing and positioning, I also have one more ultrasound left and we can start focusing on our exit strategy. And maybe...just maybe I'll finally get the bump I've dreamed about. I really want my baby to be a nice, rosy, healthy chub-chub. Not too big (a la nearly 11lb Maxwell, as I'd like to avoid a C-section), but a skinny wrinkly newborn is NOT what I want to see in September! Thank goodness I have the baby shower to distract me. Thus far, decorations and details are lining up right on time. And oh yes! One more sunny trip down to LA to visit my family. Those ALWAYS do the trick when it comes to packing on the pounds!

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