Monday, May 7, 2012

It's Facebook Official

First post to truly put everything out in the open once and for all. It's funny how we've all acclimated to the idea that once something is on Facebook, it's truly "official". It's been over 16 weeks since we found out, but much of that time was spent slowly revealing the news to family, close friends and finally employers. This past weekend, in the middle of our 20th week, CGB and I made it Facebook official with a status update. True to form, CGB revealed the news without technically saying it:

It's amazing how much of a relief it is to have it out in the open. At first I was hesitant to make such a public announcement and even a bit uncomfortable with the idea, but now that it's done I feel nothing but freedom. Freedom to show off the bump, freedom to act like a preggy grump, and freedom to make ridiculous nesting comments via social media. Not that I've been dying to do any of the above, but the point is now I can if I want to. Weird I know.


  1. Baby Bearhat was revealed to the world in true Bearhat form - facetious and vague!
